- Allow your dog to be comfortable in a lateral recumbency (side lying) position. Be sure that you are laying them on the side that you are wishing to isolate (i.e. if targeting left side of their neck, lay your dog on their left hand side)
- Make sure that the bottom front leg is held perpendicular to the body and is not allowed to flex up as you ask for the stretch – you may wish to hold their leg as you do this. Next, lure a treat from their nose to their side past their elbow (or further back if they can reach) to encourage a stretch through their neck and brachiocephalicus muscle.
Other methods.
- Have your dog sitting square on a non-slip surface. Hold one front leg on floor, and stretch head and neck with treat lure the other direction. (You are stretching the side that the held leg is on).
If you are unsure, demonstrate to your therapist who will advise how to improve on technique.