Set up your poles at demonstrated in clinic.
Please discourage any hopping over the obstacle. Your pet should be purposely stepping over and placing with each leg. Place at 2-4 objects in a row half a body length apart. If your pet will not step over the series of 4 objects, use 1 object at a time to initiate the step over concept. You may use sticks or broom handles for example (Get Creative!). The height can be adjusted with paint cans, small boxes, bricks, etc.

Always begin this exercise at Level 0 (ground level) unless otherwise directed. Level 1 is considered just below wrist height and Level 2 is considered just below the knee joint.

With a height increase, you may find your pet having trouble stepping over more than one (hesitating after the front legs step over), just be patient as they learn their new exercise and use 1-2 poles at the new height.

What to do: Walk next to your dog and encourage them to walk through the high poles with control. Turn around and repeat to complete one rep.