Ensure your dog is on a non-slip surface, and use a wall to create a “channel” which removes exit points and makes a safer working environment.

  1. Ask your dog to place their forelimbs up onto the peanut – using a treat lure helps to keep this controlled and maintain the correct position. Weight should be in the paw pads with straight limbs, nose to tail in a straight line too.
  2. Encourage a square stance of the hind limbs, by re positioning their limbs if you need to.
  3. Gently and slowly “walk” the peanut forwards, keeping hold of the peanut at all time, encouraging your dog to keep their forelimbs on the peanut with a lure and praise.

Always only perform for the correct amount of time, with sufficient rest and the set repetitions your therapist advised.

If you become unsure, your dog seems unstable or exhibits signs of fatigue, stop and discuss with your therapist.