Begin by performing on a non-slip surface. Ideally your dog will also know the “paw” command prior to beginning this exercise so that they can perform with success a lot quicker.
Once your dog is in the “push up” position, ask them to “give paw” or “wave” – whichever you have taught them. This is the most advanced stage as it involves non-weightbearing thoracic sling engagement, which is completely unnatural to the dog’s normal functional tasks, however it is a great enhancer of proprioceptive, unilateral limb co-ordination alongside core and spinal muscle activation.
Be sure that your dog performs this in a slow and controlled manner, only rewarding correct movement. As soon as your dog begins to show signs of fatigue, the exercise should be ended. This can be in the form of snatching at treats, losing good form or offering alternative movements.